So today was very twisted day indeed! This champion feels like the most jack-of-all-trades champion. It can be built to an excellent dps, hybrid, magic champ, support, tank destroyer and of course, epic ganker!
My favourite way of building TF is to go first for tome and health potion, to recall for Sheen and get +1 speed shoes and Trinity Force as soon as possible!
For skill order, I go for maxing W asap, then E and once I get trinity force I get one Q for more Trinity procs.
From here I just go for something like Guinsoo Rageblade which just overall boosts everything I have and for rather cheap too.
For gameplay, I prefer laning 2v2 since from there I can leave to gank 1v1 lane which is much easier than ganking 2v2 lane. Using gold card before activating ultimate gate, and then quickly teleporting blocking the route enemy would use so I have maximum time to spank!
I've found magic penetration shoes working better on TF than attack speed shoes. I use magic penetration, health / level and armor penetration runes, respectively. Quints are magic penetration too.
My future experiment shall be rushing fiendish codex which I'd build into Nashor's Tooth. This would give me 25% cooldown reduction, added to 15% cd reduction from Stacked Deck I'd get cooldown reduction cap, which would make me stand with gold card with 2 second stun and 3,6 second cooldown! It sounds amazing, I think it could just be the thing for quadra-, even pentakills! Or maybe using new item Morello's Evil Tome, I could use from masteries 4% cd reduction and have 39% cooldown reduction and maybe the last 1% from runes then.
I'll see :)
I hope you enjoyed reading, please leave a comment Morello's or Nashor's
Still learning. Thanks champ!
VastaaPoistaYour into it !
VastaaPoistaThis was something new for me, never played eleganttia.
VastaaPoistaTänne lurkkaamaan 8)
VastaaPoistadodii :)
VastaaPoistaUusi näillä seuduilla :D vielä hieman opeteltavaa.
VastaaPoistaHa! Now I can take you down with my Shen! :p
VastaaPoistagreat for 2v2 this is a great tip
VastaaPoistaStill reading! Keep it up.
VastaaPoistaGreat post. Following you!
this is some very deep reading - keep it coming. w/b following
VastaaPoistaGreat tip!
Never heard of this game, seems awesome!
VastaaPoistaLove the game and twisted is an amazing champion.
VastaaPoistaHelpful tips, thanks for posting! Followed.
VastaaPoistaMan you're an intense player. I really need to get more into this game!
VastaaPoistaI really love this game!
VastaaPoistaMitäs sinun perjantaihin? :)
VastaaPoistadon't know this game yet +followed
VastaaPoistanever heard of this before, i'll check it out. :)
VastaaPoistaIll try this out
VastaaPoistaI liek this game
VastaaPoistaI love the artwork on this one.
VastaaPoistathis sounds like a great game - will have 2 try it
VastaaPoistaKirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.
VastaaPoistalooks like a really interesting character I have been looking for a new tank to mix things up a bit
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